Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium Glutamate or MSG,is white crystal, its main ingredient is Glutamate, good penetrability, delicious tasty. It can strengthen the natural fresh taste of food, improve the appetite, promote the human body metabolism, supplements the amino acid necessary for human body a kind of flavour enhancer, the most popular condiment while cooking,especially in Asian countries.MSG(Monosodium Glutamate) mixes well with meat, fish, poultry, many vegetables, soups and marinades, and increases the overall preference foods.It is also widely used in Stock Cube, Sauce, Vinegar, Ketchup and many other seasonings.



10-30mesh/ 20-30mesh/ 20-60mesh/40-80mesh/60-120mesh/100-200mesh


Product Application

Monosodium Glutamate used as flavor enhancer of food, such as:

Put directly in the cuisine
Add in dry or wet soup sticks,diced soup
Add in frozen food,axenic packed food
Add in the processing of ham,seafood,curing food
Add in seasoning, savory, flavor etc

Product Application

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